Wafi Mall. The Madinat.

On Thursday the 28th of April we went to the Wafi Mall. The Wafi Mall is a mall that is all about Egypt. First we went down into some souks (souks can also be spelt as souqs). There were lots of things to buy down there. And most of the things had nothing to do with Egypt. We didn’t buy anything because everything was too dear. As you can see in a couple of the photos I tried in a head thing made out of beads was carrying a walking stick. I liked the bead thing but I couldn’t get it because it cost too much money. Tyler tried on a weird hat and carried a gun. I think he liked the gun and sort of liked the hat.  After that he tried on a pharaoh costume. Mum also liked some tablecloths but we didn’t have time to get one.
After we had been in the souk we watched a light and sound show. We are pretty sure that it was called “return of the pharaohs”. It was a show that had lots of different moving and changing pictures on some walls. There were also lots of sound effects. It went for about fifteen minutes. It was very good.
After the show we met Norm and Sue. Sue took us into a building that had lots of statues. We got lots of photos with the statues.
After we had been in that building we went into the actual mall. At the mall there was a shop called Wafi Gourmet. There were lots of Arabic sweets in there. Tyler and I got to try one each. I tried a strawberry and Tyler tried a watermelon. Then we went over to another area that had lots of herbs and pot pouri to smell. After that Tyler spotted some home made ice-cream. We each got one. Tyler had a strawberry and I just had a chocolate. Tyler didn’t really like his but I loved mine.
We all had a great time at the Wafi Mall. There was so much to see and do.

On Friday the 29th of April Norm and Sue took us down to the Madinat. The Madinat is a magnificent hotel that has a beautiful canal running through the middle of it. First we had a look around. We looked out on some balconies and then went down to the ground floor and had a look down there. We went out onto a bridge. It was very pretty. Then we went and found Norm. After finding Norm we went and got some tea. The tea was very yummy. After tea we went into the Madinat Souks. We watched some jars being filled with different colored sand to make a picture. It was amazing how good and how fast he was at making them. Then we went up a little bit further to try and find a small painted horse that mum could buy. I found some. Mum really liked them and thought they were perfect but dad didn’t agree and thought they looked nothing like the painted horses on the streets. So we kept looking. We couldn’t find any other horses but we found a shop that had some camels in so we had a look in there. Sadly they didn’t have any horses either but they said to go to the Jumeirah Beach Hotel. We decided that we would go there but first Sue wanted to go into a shop that had lots of pictures and paintings. Sadly Sue didn’t find what she was looking for so we left that shop. Just before we went to Jumeirah Tyler and I got an ice-cream each. Then we went to Jumeirah Beach Hotel. Then I found another shop that had some horses. They were the same as the other ones but we still bought one.
We had a great time at the Madinat. I loved looking for a horse because I felt like a little scavenger on a scavenger hunt.