Our Desert Safari

On Wednesday the 20th of April we went on a Desert Safari. First we went to a little market place to wait for the other groups that were doing the Desert Safari. At the market Tyler and I went driving on some four wheel motorbikes. We thought it was lots of fun. When all the other groups had got there we went driving in the sand dunes. We had a man that was driving the four wheel drive and we were sitting in the back. Well Mum, Tyler and I were. Dad got to sit in the front seat next to the driver. The first part of the sand dunes was really fun. The second part wasn't because another man in our car was being sick the rest of the way. Once we had finished the sand dunes we got dropped off at the place where we, and everyone else, was eating. There were lots of shops around the camp site. Mum and Tahli went into a shop and got a tattoo called a henna. You can see my (Tahli's) tattoo in one of the photos. You can also see one where I am getting mine done. Tyler and Dad also went up on a sand dune and Tyler was rolling and doing cartwheels up there. He fell down a few times and got lots of sand on him. He also ran down some sand dunes and one time he fell down and got a mouthful of sand.
 As well as lots of shops there were also camel rides that you got to go on for free. They were really fun but scary when the camel got up and down (mostly down). Then we went and got to hold a falcon. I (Tahli) thought it would be really heavy but it was actually very light. It cost 10 dirham (a bit more than 3 dollars in Australian money) to hold and take a photo of the falcon.

Here you can see a photo that shows the whole campsite where we then had tea. There were lots of different foods to choose from. While we were eating tea, there was some entertainment. The first entertainer was a Turkish dancer. He was spinning for about five or ten minutes and he was also doing things like playing with umbrellas while he was spinning. His act was amazing. Then there was an act with a lady who was playing with fire. That was pretty scary. Finally there was a belly dancer. She did lots of different things. But last time,  when we came we went to this Desert Safari four years ago, the belly dancer got people to go up with her to dance (like I had to go up last time). But this time they weren't allowed to do that because the government said that, because the dancing isn't part of Dubai’s culture, they aren't allowed to do it. The government is even thinking about not letting there be any of this type of entertainment at all. After all the food and entertainment the driver took us back home. Luckily the man that was sick on the way wasn't sick on the way back because we were mainly driving on the road.
We all had a great time. We hope we can come back to Dubai soon and do that again.