The Aquarium at the Dubai Mall

On Friday the 22nd of April we all went to the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo. The first part we went into was the underwater glass tunnel. The part that you walked through wasn't underwater but there was an arch made out of glass that separated us from the animals that were in the water. We were able to reach up and we would be less than five cm away from touching a shark or a stingray. We thought it was really great.

After we had been in the underwater tunnel we went and had tea. We went to a restaurant called Rainforest Cafe. The tea was quite nice. For tea Tyler had some prawns and chips, Mum had some, well, they were like sandwiches but instead of bread they were some burritos. Dad had a combo (which is just lots and lots of different foods) like chicken, beef, tomato, lettuce, little burritos and much, much more. And I had some spaghetti bolognaise. And to make our tea better there were lots of amusing things like lots of fake monkeys that move and made sounds sometimes. There were also some elephants and a wall that did that. It was amazing. Then a person in a frog suite came out. You can see Tyler and me standing with the frog in one of the photos.

After we had tea we went upstairs to a place called The Underwater Zoo. It had lots and lots of different underwater animals. Some live in salt water, some live in freshwater and some live in salt or freshwater and also go on land. I did lots and lots of reading. I read lots of signs that told me lots of information about most of the animals that were there. I found most of the information really interesting.

There were lots of penguins. We all loved them. If you put your hand on the glass they would come up and it would be like you were touching them. They were also very fast. Although some of them just swam around lazily going slowly. 
Finally we went and looked at some creepy crawlies. Tyler really liked the frog that looked like a big leaf. Mum thought it looked cute but I thought it looked scary. We have a couple of photos here especially for Mrs Milich because she loves spiders so much.
We had a really good time at the aquarium. There was so much do and see.