A Day at the Snow in Dubai

On Monday the 18th of April we went to the snow. Well Dad Tyler and Tahli did, Mum just walked around the Mall Of  The Emirates. The indoor snow field is inside the mall. Once we'd bought the tickets the attendant gave us lots of snow gear to keep us safe and warm. She gave us a snow suit, some socks and some boots. We bought some washing up gloves to keep our hands dry and some woollen gloves to keep our hands warm. We then put on some helmets that kids under 13 had to wear to keep them safe. When we were dressed we went through the doors to the snow field.

It was very cold in there. It was actually minus 4 degrees. When we went in we were able to see Mum through the glass windows. First Tyler and Tahli gave each other rides on a sled. We took each other up and down little hills.

We thought the best thing was the ride where you went down the very steep slope in the rubber rings. Some of them were double rings that could fit two people in. The others were just single rings that only one person could fit in. There was a man at the top that gave you a push down the hill, and sometimes he spun you around. We found that it was heaps more fun when you spun around. There was a special moving ramp that carried you and the rubber tube up to the top of the hill. I really liked it because it saved lots of climbing and made it really easy, except that it kept stopping and starting which made it really annoying. 

There were lots and lots of different places to explore. There were towers to climb, bridges to cross and ice caves to walk through.
We really liked the snow. We had a great time and hope to go back there sometime soon.