The Dubai Creek Park. Wild Wadi.


On Saturday the 23rd of April we went to the Dubai Creek Park. The taxi took us to the front gate. Then we paid 5 dirhams each to get in. That is a bit more than 4 dollars in Australian money for all of us together. First we hired a three seater bike, but instead of handle bars there where two steering wheels (but only one steered the bike). There were also two sets of pedals. You can see two photos with Dad, Tyler and me on the bike. To hire the bike we had to pay 20 dhs for one hour. That is about 5 dollars in Australian money. We just went driving around looking at everything in the park. Tyler was a really good driver.(?) He wasn't really. He was very bad at driving. He kept on running into things. Well, he almost was. When our time was nearly up we went and got an ice-cream. Then we drove the bike back. Once we had given it back we went into a place called Children's City. It was a bit like the Discovery Centre in Bendigo. There were three floors. The ground floor, the first floor and the second floor. There were also a couple of things outside. Like a painted Camel and a painted horse. (Mum is looking for a small painted horse to buy but she can't find one.) On the first floor inside there was a marvellous carriage. There was also a marvellous painted falcon.

On the first and second floor there was lots to do. There were lots of games to play and little experiments to do. Tyler's favourite was a small helicopter that you fly round and round in circles and then had to land on a helicopter pad. I liked almost every activity. In one of the photos you can see me with a big round yellow ball, a trash can and a polystyrene ball. The big round yellow ball was like a gun but it shot up air. The trash can was actually a basket that held the polystyrene ball when no one was using it. The aim of the game was to move the big round yellow ball and basket around and that moves the polystyrene ball around in different directions in thin air. It was one of the activities that I liked.
There was so much to do at the Creek Park that we hope that we can get back there before we go. It was just so much FUN!!!
I especially want to go on the cable car which takes you along The Creek (big river) for 20 minutes.

On Tuesday the 26th of April we went to the Wild Wadi Water Park.  We got a taxi that took us to the water park. Then some people that worked at the front gate showed us where to go. When we got in we went and found some seats. Once we had found our seats we got ready to go and have fun. First we followed a sign that said "Start of slides" (as you can see in one of the pictures).  It took us to some slides that didn’t only go down but also went up. We sat on some rubber tubes. Then the water took us up and down the slides. There were lots and lots of different slides. Out of all those slides one of our favourites probably would have been The Tunnel Of Doom. It was a pitch black tunnel that twisted around and around.  When the slides finished you went floating around a little river until you got back to the start.
Once we had had a few goes at those slides we decided to go on some scarier slides. There were two slides to choose from. The first one we went on was labelled "Thrill". All four of us were able to sit in one rubber tube. It was very scary. The scariest part was when you went around in a circle and once you had finished going around there was a drop that was fairly close to vertical. Once we had been on that one we went back up the stairs and went on the scariest slide. It was labelled "Extreme Thrill". There was a long line of people up the stairs so it took a long time to get up. Once we got up we all got in a rubber tube. Then the fun started. It was a very scary slide because a couple of times you went vertically. Mum got the biggest scare she has ever had in her life because she thought we were going to go over the edge and die.
Once we had finished on those slides we went and got some lunch. Tyler and I had a hot-dog each and Mum and Dad got a wrap each.
After lunch we went in a wave pool. It is a pool that has lots of waves in it, although sometimes the waves stop for a little while. It was fun but the bad thing was that everyone had to wear life jackets. But they were good in a way because you could just float going up and down.

Finally we went in an area that had lots of children’s things. There were lots of little slides, lots and lots of water (especially when the huge bucket tipped over) and lots of different types of flooring, like nets, plastic and wood. Tyler’s favourite thing in that area was some big water guns. He liked to shoot me a lot.
We had a marvellous time at Wild Wadi. We all absolutely loved it.