The Burj Khalifa

On Wednesday the 27th of April we went to the Burj Khalifa. It is the tallest building in the world. We got a bus to the Emirates metro station, then a train to the Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall metro station, and then a bus to the Dubai Mall. It took about one and a half hours to get from Norm and Sue's apartment to the Dubai Mall. When we finally got there we went out to the fountains to wait for Mum. She had gone to the Ibn Buttuta Mall for the morning to look for a little painted horse that she wanted to buy. Just when we got to the fountains, at the Dubai Mall, Mum rang and said that she was still on the metro, on the way to meet us. Dad thought she was very brave to go out on the metro by herself. When she finally got to the Dubai Mall we met her at the bus stop.
While we were waiting to go up the Burj Khalifa we got some lunch. We all got some Subway. Mum, Tyler and I got a Meatball Marinara and Dad got a Subway Melt.

Finally it was time to go up the Burj. First we went through some doors into a waiting area where we could see lots of models of the Burj. Then we got into a line and went onto a moving pathway that took us through a long corridor which had lots of pictures on the walls. Then we went up an escalator. When we were at the top of the escalator we lined up to go into the lift. In the lift we watched the numbers for each floor race up to "124". It was only three quarters of the way up. You could hardly feel the lift moving because it was so smooth. The 124th floor is where we got off to go out onto the viewing platform.

There was an amazing view. We saw all of Dubai and more. In these pictures you can see lots of amazing buildings from 124 floors up on the Burj Khalifa. In these photos you can see the maze of highways (top left), the fountains (top middle), The Address Hotel (Top right) and the shadow of the Burj Khalifa on the roof of the Dubai Mall (Bottom right).  It was absolutely amazing. There was such a great view.